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Social Media

Has there ever been anything as pressure causing on our younger generation than what social media now presents?  Social media is a 24/7, all levels of personal connection, livewire that causes so much uproar that it makes me wonder where to draw the line. 

At its best social media provides an outlet for all kinds of connections between people.  Have a friend in South Africa?  Keep in touch by Facebook.  Have business that you like in Denmark?  Follow them on Twitter.  Have a good friend that you like to joke around with?  Snapchat with them all day.  And, of course, Instagram gives all of that!

At its worst though, social media proves isolation and loneliness.  It can be a platform for conflict not likely to occur face to face.  It can be hatefilled and mean.

When we have teens over to our house in any kind of group we routinely ask for mobile phones to be left at the door.  We don't hate social media but we don't want it used in a way that can be hurtful.  Our house is 'unplugged' in the 2010s like my house was in the 1980s!!!